Wednesday, August 8, 2012

(5)Anther & Filament of stamen

(5)Anther & Filament of stamen

·          The stamen of a flower is the male reproductive organ of the flower. Each stamen generally has a stalk, the filament. The top of the filament are the anther & the pollen sacs. The anther is a pollen-bearing portion of the stamen. In this picture you can see the orange buds inside the pink petals. The anther is what you can see form the birds-eye view, containing the pollen in which bees and butterflies may come to pollinate. August 7th, 4:32 p.m, Grandfather’s Pool

(7)Auxin producing area of plant

(7)Auxin producing area of plant

·          Auxin is Indoleacetic acid that regulates the growth and development of a plant. The Auxin producing area of the plant is either the “apical shoot meristems” or the new buds/leaves. In the picture you can see the flowers that have already budded, and those that have not. The tip of the buds contain the Auxin that is needed for the flower to bloom. August 7th, 5:47 p.m, Backyard

(9)Carbohydrate- fibrous

(9)Carbohydrate- fibrous

·          Fibrous carbohydrates are complex carbohydrates that usually come from green vegetables, essential to the digestion process. Full of fiber, they are the indigestible portion of plant material. By growing various vegetables like this pepper in our backyard garden, we have an unlimited supply of fibrous proteins. August 7th, 10:54 a.m, Backyard Garden 



·           Heartwood is the denser, inner part of a tree; developing as the tree gets older. In the picture of the old stump, you can distinguish the dark heartwood in the center by the ring of lighter sapwood that has not aged. August 7th, 4:30 p.m, Grandfather’s Woods



·    K- strategists are species of organisms that uses reproductive “strategies” and survival to live a longer life. They protect their young and their population almost reaches the capacity of the environment, but remains stable. An Oak Tree is a common example of a K-strategist; they grow slowly, live long, and produce few offspring. August 7th, 4:00 p.m, Neighbor’s House

(23)Mutualism example

(23)Mutualism example

·          Mutualism can be defined as a type of symbiosis, a bond between two species that both benefit from the relationship. An example is pollination. Insects collect food resources from a plant, while in return the reproduction of the plant. In the picture a butterfly is collecting pollen from the flowers out front. Aug 7th, 10:15 a.m, Front Yard



·         Phloem is a food-conducting tissue found in vascular plants. It consists of sieve tubes, fibers, and other specialized cells. Inside the tomato stem is the phloem that conducts the sugar and glucose from the leaves during photosynthesis to other parts of the plant. August 7th, 6:52 p.m, Garden